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Areas of Focus

CSP has built an innovative, differentiated and late-stage pipeline of products, focused on rare disease and ophthalmology targeting indications with significant unmet needs in China

Rare disease

  • China is undergoing dramatic change from a market which ten years ago was broadly focussed on generic drugs to a market where patent protected innovative speciality products are becoming the norm
  • 1,423 rare diseases have been identified in China with 20 million rare disease patients with a market potential of $15.5bn USD
  • Currently however only about 20% of approved rare disease drugs by the US FDA are approved in China
  • Changes to the regulatory environment are seeking to ensure novel speciality products are brought to China within a short window from US/ EMA approval.
  • Reimbursement landscape is changing with 2/3 of approved rare disease products in China now being reimbursed. China are currently looking at new models to fund ultra-high cost medicines through commercial insurance plans


  • Ophthalmology is a huge opportunity and unmet need in China, where the ophthalmology market is growing at an average of around 17.5% a year
  • One third of the world’s blindness occurs in China and there is a government initiative to train more ophthalmologists over the next few years
  • Changes to the regulatory environment are seeking to ensure novel speciality products are brought to China within a short window from US/ EMA approval.
  • Abbreviated clinical development plans can be agreed leveraging clinical data generated in USA/ EU when there is unmet need in China